Friday 19 August 2011

Open Culture and the Nature of Network - Information Ecology

To understand this article, one would first need to understand what is "information ecology."?
Ecology is a scientific term used to describe the link or relation of one organisms to another and its physical surroundings. Applying this to Global Network would be the information, network carries from one link or website to another.

                                           (it is a constant flow between these three elements)                      

Integrated environment from the chart I did above refers to the ecology of government and the dynamics.


The article talks about the integrated environment which is LINKED to information and institutions/structures which he calls NODES. He also mentions that, the environment he talks about is NOT MATERIAL but intangible flow of information produced and processed by media and the nodes come about where as a result of information of this flows of information.

The author uses the ecology model as in nature to show the nature of the network. 

The flow + nodes = build upon each other (growing) and also provide the stability to the environment. During class, Mr Faizal draw on the board the nodes flow which looks like the below image. 


I would like to compare the above image of nodes, with a spider web. As the image above and a spider web; one builds upon the other and also the fact that one small change can change the whole structure. 

from the article, I also understand that the nodes and flow of information themselves depend on the dynamic nature of the environment which is NOT STATIC (always in a state of flux - not static). However there is a certain pattern to this constant change, The dynamic nature of this society has four recurring characteristics which are interdependency, change, time-boundness and differentiation.

Interdependent meaning that it can't exist by itself. The network society is continues evolving just like any other society, it also has a "life" of its own. New things come, old things go. It has to be able to depend on each other just like human beings, "no man is an island by himself."

Just like human beings continuesly change due to their surroundings or situations, similarly the nodes also change by being connected from one to another. The only constant thing is change itself! The article mentions that " the mode of survival is adaptation instead of optimization." Meaning to survive we have to learn to adapt to our surroundings, and in order to adapt we need to first change. The same thing happens in the ecological environment.

Today, mobility is essential to us the human beings as we live in a very fast paced life. With that said the ecological environment, it is essential that the information flows very quickly to supply to our demand.

The article states that " information is difference and the nodes survive as long as they can make a difference."
Meaning, the more information the nodes produce, the nodes will survive as they are different.


While the author says they are stable by themselves, but does not look at consumers of all this information flow. As we know, the gatekeepers can choose and be selective in the type of information they want to flow. There is concerns or worries that these gatekeepers are manipulative. The type, nature and content of the information to the end users. Am I right?

The movie "Hackers (1995)" which Angelina Jolie acted in her younger days, is an example that not only the government can control the information flow in the internet but rather people themselves who has strong knowledge on hacking. These hackers can access P&C information on the network due to their knowledge of hacking. With that said, again I rise the question. Does the information flow on the internet really has its freedom?

This article from Felix Stalder talks about how ultimately society uses it and benefits from it, will depend on the users themselves. Just like any other tool, can be abusedOver dependency may also have long term negative effects where people stop to think for themselves.


  1. Afternoon babe! :D

    It is true that in the Cyberspace, we understand the relationship of information through the 4 points you've mentioned.

    These 4 points that you've mentioned has made the digital world so strong that we all can enjoy the usage of information.

    Literally every time we log into the virtual world, we leave w/ at least some knowledge. We take the information, we use it, we interpret, we put our thoughts into it, we put it back into the flow of information for others to use.

    Giving and taking back at its best! :D

  2. Hey Michelle,

    not "relationship" but rather the "characteristics."

    I agree with you that the digital work is strong. However, to a certain extant,we consumers still do control a certain amount of it and also we abuse it at times.

  3. Hi,
    Yes, I'm agree with "This article from Felix Stalder talks about how ultimately society uses it and benefits from it, will depend on the users themselves. Just like any other tool, can be abused." Like the Internet in nowadays, people abused it and use it to share negative information included virus, spam, and scam.

  4. Hi Sharmila

    I like both of your illustrations of showing the relationship between the nodes and flow. it's simple and straight forward to the point. made it easy to understand.

    i agree with you that "nodes and flow of information themselves depend on the dynamic nature of the environment". They adapt and merge with their surroundings (other nodes) just like us human beings, we must be able to adapt to our fast changing/moving enviroment in order to stay informative. once we are left behind, it's very difficult to catch up. same works for nodes, if they don't get adapted with other nodes accordingly, they will be considered as old and useless.

  5. Hi Xin Yee,

    Agree, that how the society benefits from the internet depends on how they what to use it. (for what purpose)

    However, in my point of view the internet does NOT have total freedom in what information it can share as there are restrictions made by consumers, mostly done for our benefits.

    These restrictions can or will effect the information flow it carries.

    thanks for dropping by, and agreeing with me on my opinion. Hope you do visit again.

  6. Hi Lui Xu,

    Yes I agree with you, As mentioned on my blog, there information is restricted by gatekeepers or people that control what information the internet can and can't carry.

    All said and done, it is done for none other then our own benefits.

    thanks for dropping by.
