Friday 26 August 2011

Liquid Life, Convergence Culture and Media Work

Above is a simple mind map I made based on the gist that the journal is trying to say from my understanding.

Liquid Life = constant change (Flux)

The five (5) issues the author looked at is new capitalism, media in everyday life, new media culture and society, liquid life and media work and convergence culture.

1) New capitalism

Work + family = fundamental shift

Mr Faizal and Ducker states that information and knowledge have become the primary form of capital. I personally agree with this statement. As we know, information and knowledge is power which enables one to be mobile and to be able to help the company climb the ladder or stay on top in terms of politics, societal issues and so on. 

As changes are constant: the only thing permanent is impermanent itself.

2) Media in everyday life

Online love, search engines, weblogs, online games including "meta-gaming, online shopping etc.

Contemporary changes in our economy, politics, society and also technology.

3) New media culture and society

COLLABORATION is the KEY. Collaboration of different media tools will attract the end-users (user-innovation communities)

"The media environment becomes the key site to the changing context of how we live, work and play." Basically what the author is trying to say here is how the media INFLUENCES us.

I agree with this statement the author mentioned in the journal " relevant to our concern is the inter-relationship between work-time, leisure-time & media- time" ( it is a much bigger place then it used to be but at the same time reducing our lifeworld. For example, interact with everyone yet "seeing" no one)

Due to the use of media, we interact less face to face or in person with people, rather we use the media to send out message or to communicate with others without actually being able to see that person "in person".

4) Liquid life and media work

The link between, the rapid-change and the media work.

Media revolution according to the journal means the "key to understanding our increasing opportunity, too see this kind of behaviour as a way for us to make sense of the growing complexity and uncertainty of the world around us."

Who is to blame for this liquid life we live in today? The journal mentions that the consumer culture blames the media as the main culprit. However, I disagree with that. In my person opinion why blame the media when we should blame the people behind the media and rather what we people do to the media tool.

5) Convergence Culture

According to tis journal, it states that the media should have a culture of its own, a LINE between consumption and production, making and using & active and passive spectators.

Like anything in life, too much of something is bed. Hence there must be a line draw to "over" doing something. Convergence culture is the balance between the media and the consumers.


Those days, during my grandfathers generation and before. People used to work to make an ans meat, whereby work was work, it was not everything as it took less time as compared to today.

However, in today's world. Work is life, convergence (merge). Work itself has become your life. 

Modern tool that has facilitated this convergence is the MEDIA. The reason for why our world has changed are due to the two reasons below.

1) Globalisation
2) Competition

Personally I feel what WAS a means has now become an ant itself. More time, energy, effort is spent on work so that you can continue with your life.

With that said, is convergence good?
The power of media

From my reading, having reading all the four journals, personally I feel this is the hardest to really understand what the author is trying to say. 

While I understand work + life has merged. The tools of the media has helped people to interconnect, easy accessibility, mobile and work anywhere and any time.

Good or bad, the media has a very central role in this changing value system of our life!

Apart from that, I would like to state that the author was very kind to say it is a "convergence". As personally, had to agree with him, I would say it is more then a convergence rather it has taken over our life.

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