Friday 30 September 2011

Convergence culture in the creative industries

This article by Mark Deuze is about the convergence of different culture coming together, particularly the culture of the media. The study of how the emerging practices in media which creates a new media

culture in the new global environment. Convergence culture is created by users who consume and produce, as Mr Faizal used the term during class and also the term used in this article, "Prosumer" refereeing to consumer who becomes producer. Meaning the audience receives and gives meaning to the media content.

"Acknowledging&observing the emergence of media culture --- convergence of culture (production+consumer) --- individual creativity& production in the cultural industries."

The author touches on the below elements:

a) Media Participants: peoples who participate with those who use the media
b) Convergence Culture: the new media ecology effects people, users have more control.
c) Creative Industries: creative industries open up ways of thinking about commercial and non-commercial.

The author futher studies how the online game counter-strike, online website Amazon and The CPB group are somehow in different ways connected to media participants, convergence culture and also creative industries.

As everything has pros and corns, so does convergence culture in my option. Convergence culture is:

beneficial as it does help us grow more creatively and use various media to suit what we want (consumer+producer). Hence, the "professionals" no longer entirely decide what we can and cant do as we are now part of the team of deciding what we want to suit our own preference. Since we live in a life whereby we are constantly told what to do at work and sometimes our personal life's, it is good to have some moments to ourselves where we are the "boss" and call the shots according to what we want. More like an escape time and with the convergence of media&culture, this is possible.

On another side of the note, due to convergence culture it is probably the reason for  institutions, companies and professionals are less in demand leading to less job demand (jeopardizing their coureurs). Apart from that, from my opinion where we ourselves become the author or boss of a software eventually as time passes we will get bored of it, as from time to time we need a person in higher authority to call the shots to make us feel human again and encounter challenges.

As the media is becoming "liquid" as mentioned in the article due to the convergence of culture&media. The question arises, what are the people/users doing to the media? The media somehow has become our puppet and we are the puppeter controlling it according to what we want.

But what happens when the puppet gets better then us in our real life? When we become the puppets shadow. Likewise applying it to the emerging media, what  happens when our life's in the media becomes better then our real life.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Free Culture

This article initially speaks about how process of how Disney becomes famous by "building" from others ideas.

Mickey Mouse ---- Synchronised sound (mix of sound with cartoons) --- Sound+Motion ----Comic!

I think it's a smart idea Disney used the different tools of technology for Mickey mouse, as it contributed a huge deal of success due to it. Similarly, so did building upon other people idea and creativity into creating his own masterpiece.

In my Opinion Creators are the people who first come up with the idea and implement it. If one were to use other people’s ideas or creativity, to me personally I feel it is fine, however one should give credit to the original source!

There are so many examples apart from Disney of building upon other people’s idea/creativity. For example, allot of our traditional believes or cultures has been a "coincidently" the same as some of others. It is fine to do so, however always give credit to the originator instead of "claiming" otherwise.

If people do not built upon other people’s ideas, then there would be less creativity in a product, when there is less creativity we would not have products and services today such as a smartphone; where there is allot of other features apart from the original phone feature.